
How to recharge ground water using water recharge pits


There is something called water recharge pits that help in recharging the groundwater. These pits can be made of any shape or size without damaging any plantation around your plantation site. Location of the pit should be on a clean ground surface so that polluted water doesn’t go underground through the pit. The pit should be deep enough so that rain water would reach the porous layer of soil as it allows the water to pass though it and get added to the underground water.

These recharge pits collect water on its own as and when it rains. On every plantation site we must create such pits at smaller intervals. It is very essential that the water seeps in the mother earth. And only stationary water seeps in, flowing water never seeps inside the ground. Once you have made the water stationery then the aquifers get recharged. Eventually your hand pumps, submersibles, tube wells all of it witness increased water level.

Creating as many pits as possible as groundwater is very important for plants and also the plantation site.

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